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Moss & Algae

Moss and Algae control services are provided throughout the UK

The appearance of moss, whether in turf or on a hard surface like tarmac, is never a welcome sight.

Shaded, poorly-draining soil presents the perfect environment for moss to establish itself. Left untreated, it can entirely out-compete the grass, undoing years of work, potentially requiring a 'full restart' to reestablish the turf. Good turf care practices can go a long way in preventing the proflieration of moss, however once established it requires timely and precise treatment. Complete Weed Control employ a range of specialist biocides to target moss in turf without affecting the grass itself.

Much like ice, the presence of moss on hard surfaces can present a considerable slip-and-trip hazard, which employers and landowners have an obligation to demonstrate due diligence in mitigating. Likewise, local authorities have the same obligation to meet with regards to roads, pavements and other public footways.

Whether you require a specialist turf care programme to avoid moss, or need to kill incumbent moss, Complete Weed Control’s national network of service depots are here to help.

Contact us now for a no-obligation quotation.

  • Hard Surfaces
  • Fine Turf
  • Algae Control

Remove and prevent moss and algae.

Complete Weed Control have worked with The FA
Complete Weed Control have worked with London City
Complete Weed Control have worked with Wembley
Complete Weed Control have worked with Ikea
Complete Weed Control have worked with Center Parcs
Complete Weed Control have worked with Derby County Football Club
Complete Weed Control have worked with the Univercity of Cambridge
Complete Weed Control have worked with the Ryder Cup
Complete Weed Control have worked with Legoland
Complete Weed Control have worked with Wentworth
Complete Weed Control have worked with Leeds United AFC
Complete Weed Control have worked with Northumberland County Council
Complete Weed Control have worked with Murrayfield

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As one of the leading weed control specialists, we offer a comprehensive range of commercial weed control services, including aquatic, grass, moss and algae, and Japanese knotweed removal.

Find your local weed control experts in the UK

Weed Control


Winter Maintenance


Invasive Control


Moss Control


Grounds Maintenance

